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Create great habits, prevent cavities & avoid steep dental bills with your kids

Learn how to reverse cavities and improve your kids’ oral health from the womb to their teenage years.

You don’t have to watch your child suffer through cavities and dentist phobias.
  • You shouldn’t have to pay for filling after filling, crown after crown.
  • You can build great habits AND improve your kids' health along the way.
  • Up to 90% of kids worldwide have dental disease. You can choose to be part of the 10% who doesn't!

I wish every mother on earth knew these simple steps...

As a mom of two daughters, I get what it’s like to meet resistance with healthy habits.

I also know what it’s like to agonize over your child’s pain and discomfort and feel guilty that you did something wrong.

I get so many questions from moms about how to prevent and reverse cavities, and I wish I could share with every mom that it’s not just sugar giving your kids cavities.

I’ll say it again and again...

It’s not just sugar causing their cavities!

Health is a whole system, and we can train our kids to participate in caring for their own health.

We can prevent traumatic experiences at at the dentist and celebrate good habits.

It’s easier than you’d expect once you understand the whole picture of dental health.

And that's exactly why I created my course...
Reversing Dental Cavities in Kids
Be empowered to guide your child's health naturally

Learn how to avoid preventable childhood dental decay by engaging your kids in dental health that protects their whole bodies and saves them from scary dental emergencies.

Preventing Cavities Can Be Fun & Easy

When you take the time to understand how their health affects their teeth, you can take back control of your kids oral health.

5 Modules, Each Less Than 20 Minutes

These modules cover everything you need to know to reverse cavities in kids and integrate great habits, step-by-step.

Learn From a Dentist and Mom of Two

Watch as Dr. Leedia works with her daughters and understand how to get kids healthy and involved.

Include Your Kids With Reward Charts

Download colorful rewards charts for the kids bathroom to track and celebrate great habits. Model the right steps for them every day.

Hear from one of my patients:

"My daughter Saige (6 years old at the time) had a large cavity on one of her bottom molars. We thought we would need to get it filled the traditional way with a drill, but wanted to give remineralization a try first.

Saige’s tooth was able to be remineralized enough that her cavity only needs to be fixed with a laser now, which is much less invasive. We are so grateful and impressed with how Dr. Leedia guided our family with remineralizing her cavity”.

-Mama of 2 kids

If you're ready to go from being a _______ to being a ________, but you need someone who's been there done that to guide the way...

I created Reversing Dental Cavities in Kids for You

Your course tagline goes here to tell readers what your program is all about. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet powder icing. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet powder icing.
Here's how Reversing Dental Cavities in Kids breaks down:

Pillar 1: A Dental Home

It’s essential to build a strong working relationship with your your dentist. You’ll learn what to look for in a dentist and when to take your toddler in for their first visit.


Pillar 2: At Home Dental Care

From birth and on through their toddler and childhood years, there are simple but important steps you can take to develop habits and prevent cavities. Learn how to involve your kids and empower them to own their health.


Pillar 3: Nutrition

Understand what causes cavities at the nutritional level, and slowly slowly integrate helpful foods and phase out hurtful ones.


Pillar 4: Supplementation

When you need to reverse existing cavities in your kids’ teeth, there are certain supplements that will champion their healing. See what they are and which ones to integrate into their diet.


Pillar 5: Habits

There are some key habits that every pediatric dentist and pediatrician should be asking about, as they can explain the root cause of mysterious dental decay. When caught early, these habits can be reversed and addressed to prevent dental cavities from forming.

  • 5 Concise Pillars of Training
  • The Vault: Educational Downloads & Rewards Charts for Kids
  • The Roadmap to Preventing & Reversing Dental Cavities: A practical support guide & checklist to help you execute
  • Dr. Leedia's Product Guide for Reversing Dental Cavities: To make it easy for you to find toxin-free, safe oral health products.
You'll Also Get Access to Our Resource Vault:
  • The 5 Pillars of Dental Health Printable Master Chart: Ties the learning pilars together and gives you a beautiful teaching tool for your family .
  • Dental Decay Risk Assessment: Take the quiz to determine you child's risk level and help determine where your focus should be.
  • The Roadmap to Preventing & Reversing Dental Cavities: A practical support guide & checklist to help you through the remineralization process.
  • Printable Reward Chart: Build joy in your family when you use this fun and colorful chart to celebrate oral health wins!
  • Vitamins & Minerals Printable Guide: A simple visual guide to help you choose food or supplements containing the vitamins & minerals your kids need for optimal oral health.
  • Nasal Hygiene Protocol: This plays a key role in oral health, and Dr. Leedia gives her best tips on how to help your child breathe easily through their nose.
  • Dr. Leedia's Recommended Product Guide: No more guessing at the store! Take comfort in products chosen by a dental professional (and used by her own kids).
And don't miss these must-watch bonuses...

How to Support Your Baby’s Oral Health Before Conceiving

Learn how to prepare your body for conception with the right supplements, habits, and understanding of the dental changes to expect.


Optimize Your Baby’s Oral Health in Utero

There’s a lot you can do to help your baby develop strong bones and teeth while you’re pregnant. Dental visits are essential in this time because your changing hormones change your teeth! Learn how all this works and optimize your pregnancy.


Optimize Your Baby’s Oral Health While Breast or Bottle Feeding

Did you know you can help your baby if they cannot consistently latch on? Learn the simple tips to make this time healthier and more comfortable for both of you.

Enroll in Reversing Dental Cavities in Kids Today!
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Enroll in Reversing Dental Cavities in Kids Now!
Here's What's Included With Your Instant Access:
  • 5 Concise Pillars of Training  - Each module includes less than 20 minutes of video training so you can learn quickly.
  • The Resource Vault: 
    • The Roadmap to Preventing & Reversing Dental Cavities
    • The 5 Pillars of Dental Health Printable Master Chart
    • Dental Decay Risk Assessment
    • Printable Reward Chart to Build Joy
    • Vitamins & Minerals Printable Guide
    • Nasal Hygiene Protocol
    • Dr. Leedia's Recommended Product Guide
    • Three of Dr. Leedia's Own Healthy Recipes
  • BONUS I: How to Support Your Baby's Oral Health Before Conceiving
  • BONUS II: How to Support Teeth Development in Utero
  • BONUS III: How to Support Teeth While Breastfeeding or Bottle Feeding
  • Learn how to introduce new foods, habits, and supplements slowly over time, step-by-step.
Limited-Time Launch Price (Regular Price $647)
Limited-Time Launch Price (Regular Price $647)

Listen to what one mom said:

"She was able to remineralize my son's cavity. You just don't hear about that in most general dentistry.

Who Should Take This Course?
  • If you have kids: All children regardless of age and socioeconomic status can have issues with dental decay.
  • If your kids eat healthy but still get cavities: There’s more to dental decay than avoiding sugar!
  • If you’re worried they’ll feel scared of the dentist: Learn how to build a great relationship with no fear.
  • If you hate seeing them in pain: Toothaches can feel like a million years of upset for a child!
  • If you want to take charge of their health and protect them: There’s more you can do than the popular knowledge out there
  • If you’re not sure how to engage your kids in healthy habits: I’ll show you what has worked with my kids... they ask for their habits now!

Learn with Dr. Leedia, Julia, and Joy

Leedia Riman, D.D.S. is a practicing dentist in Beverly Hills, California. She’s passionate about child and infant dental care and empowering moms to protect their kids from unnecessary pain.

With a whole-body perspective and the experience of a mom of two, she guides you through this course with easy-to-understand steps.

You’ll meet Julia (6) and Joy (3) as they do their good habits with their mom and demonstrate what works best to keep their teeth healthy.

Too Good Not to Share:

"One [cavity we've been] able to remineralize. I'd never heard of remineralizing before. I didn't know you could do that with a cavity so I was really pleased to hear that"

My Mom-to-Mom Promise

We're behind you 100%!

I’m offering a full satisfaction guarantee on this masterclass. If you feel the material did not help you understand your child’s oral health, you can return it for full refund within 15 days. I want this to be a no-brainer, so try the masterclass risk-free!   

-Dr. Leedia


My Mom-to-Mom Promise
We're behind you 100%!

I’m offering a full satisfaction guarantee on this masterclass. If you feel the material did not help you understand your child’s oral health, you can return it for full refund within 15 days.

I want this to be a no-brainer, so try the masterclass risk-free!

-Dr. Leedia

Deb (Mom of 2)

I literally had NO clue mouth breathing was as detrimental as it is! Thank you for teaching so much on this topic! and thank you for always sharing the products you use for your own family! Our family trusts you so much!

Sarah (Mom of 1)

I couldn’t be more grateful for Dr. Leedia’s passion towards her patients and their oral health. As a health coach with lots of knowledge about how to take care of your kids oral health, I was doing everything right, but Sophia’s x-rays showed several cavities.

I couldn’t understand why and honestly felt like I had failed my daughter. Dr. Leedia was so supportive and was determined to figure out the root cause. I have never had a dentist so invested in trying to figure out WHY.

I can’t thank Dr. Leedia enough for making both my daughter and I feel very cared for in the most special way. Definitely not your average dentist experience!

Meghan (Mom of 2)

Thank you Dr. Leedia! Our son was supposed to be put to sleep to get his dental work, and because of your guidance he didn’t need to be sedated. He actually looks forward to coming to see you.

Don’t wait for dental decay to cause your child pain and anxiety.

So much childhood dental decay is preventable, if only mothers understood what to look for and how to respond.

Get the tools you need to make dental health fun and easy for kids, and watch them warm up to health like you never expected.

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